Building community is not just about about creating ties in the tiny mountain villages at the edge of the cloud forest. At CCFC buiding a community of conservation means creating networks of mutually concerned institutions, both governmental and non-governmental. On a national level, CCFC partners with the Guatemala Ministry of Agriculture (MAGA) and the Guatemala Ministry of Tourism (INGUAT —Guatemala Aviturismo).

On a provincial level, in the department of Alta Verapaz, CCFC partners with the Ministry of Education (MINEDUC).

On a municipal level, CCFC partners with municipal authorities on projects related to forest conservation. All of these agencies are sympathetic and nominally supportive of CCFC’s mission and objectives.

CCFC also has a fraternal relationship with:
WINGS of Guatemala
Orchid Society of the Verapaz
Peten Birders Club
Orquigonia Reserve