Community Cloud Forest Conservation alleviates poverty and protects forests through education, reforestation, sustainable development, leadership training, and ecological improvements to agriculture. CCFC believes that holistic human / community development through education and capacity building is the key to conservation and development in Guatemala’s central highlands. Education, especially for young women, is key to building peace in this region.
Contributing to CCFC
Community Cloud Forest Conservation is a non-governmental, not-for-profit, conservation and human development organization, incorporated in the commonwealth of Pennsylvania and registered with the Internal Revenue Service of the United States as a 501(c)3 tax exempt entity. CCFC is governed by a volunteer board of directors. CCFC works locally in the central highlands of Guatemala, without stateside overhead costs. 100% of all donations are used in Guatemala for conservation and community / human development purposes. Although CCFC enjoys many strategic partnerships, the majority of CCFC’s income comes from individual contributions. All earmarked donations are used as designated.
Contribution checks can be received at: